The 2024-2025 school year promises to be challenging, exciting, and fulfilling. Every opportunity is here for your child to grow and learn. With your help and support, we have put Holy Trinity School on the map. Holy Trinity is on the lips of many other schools, and community members are learning that Holy Trinity is a trailblazer.
Our goals for 2024-2025 will revolutionize our school and the educational experience of our students:
Mr. McCusker's Philosophy on Education
I believe education should be viewed as an opportunity to create life-long learners. Every year in the life of a child's education needs to be viewed as a journey in and of itself with goals to reach and standards to be achieved. Then, each year should be viewed as part of a process in educating the whole child with the emphasis on the final outcome of a child who is grounded emotionally, socially, academically, and spiritually. When a child leaves an elementary school, they should be equipped with the skills to approach the next level, the enthusiasm to encounter change, and the confidence to anticipate success.
Please feel free to contact me by phone at 215-295-6900 or by e-mail at McCusker@holytrinitypa,com.