Congratulations on a job well done to these 6th-8th Grade students on their hard work! A special THANK YOU to Judge Durkin, Bucks County District Court (Morrisville), the volunteer attorney parents, and our teachers who helped facilitate such an amazing experience for our students!
The S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) curriculum of Holy Trinity is all about design, prototype, testing, and adapting. The students in the fifth grade, under the direction of their teacher and facilitator, Mrs. Susan Smith, have been engaged in problem-solving and design for the past month. On February 22, our “Invention Convention” students presented, explained, and demonstrated their inventions. Congratulations to our 5th Grade Invention Convention winners for 2019: 3rd Place: Shampoo Saver (Vero Bentivoglio and Nelson Reddington); 2nd Place: Ready, Set, Pet! (Cameron Browne, Elisabeth Halloran, Abigail Howatt); 1st Place: Kap Keeper (Andrew Haney); Students' Choice: Zip-A-Bow (Abigail Lobis, Ariella Parks, Leela Reynolds). A great job was done by ALL of our ingenious inventors as well as by our 3rd and 4th Grade presenters!
Our students were visited by centenarians "Pearl" and "Daisy" who stopped by to help celebrate Kindergarten's 100th Day of School! Their alter egos, Kindergarten teachers Miss A and Mrs. Donahue, took the day off and gave Pearl and Daisy some quality time with their students.
An annual tradition at Holy Trinity School, Grandpals Day was celebrated in both the Children's Cottage and the "Big School" by all of our students and their special Valentines! Our guests danced, enjoyed snacks, made keepsakes, completed "escape room" challenges, and played Quizzo with their beloved little ones. Precious memories were made by all!
Holy Trinity School students from 7th Grade were visited by a student from the St. Lucy School for Students with Visual Impairments as the culminating event of their English Language Arts (ELA) Unit. The unit focused on perseverance as a character trait, and included studying the life of Helen Keller and other historical figures who persevered through adversity. The visit by Sister Lisa Ann Lettiere, IHM and 11-year-old Kyla marks the fifth year for this collaborative lesson between the two schools. This real-world learning activity and curriculum connection was under the direction of Mr. Jeffrey McCusker, the 7th and 8th Grade ELA teacher and school vice principal. Sister Lisa brought many of the adaptive devices the students at the St. Lucy School use to learn, and demonstrated their use to the Holy Trinity students.